Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coconut macarons

Macarons are hands down delicious. No if's and or but's about it.

Despite their deliciousness, I've never been one to attempt them myself. I've heard time and time again the difficult involved in them. The humidity. The temperature. The altitude. The oven. The temperature of the egg whites. The strength of your beater. So. Many. Issues!

Yes yes, that sounds like the problems associated with ALL baking.

But there's something about the technique for macaron cookies that can really test a baker's patience...

A girlfriend of mine has spent a long time crafting her ability to make macaron. When I invite her over, I don't even bat an eyelash at what she tells me she'll be bringing.

This time, instead of bringing them over, we finally made them together. And by together, I really mean that she did everything while I supervised.

I have to say, it wasn't as daunting as I expected. Even though I've watched Anna Olson make them. All it requires, is a little more patience and attention than the typical cookie.

I had fun piping out the cookies, the delicious swiss buttercream filling, and then squeezing them together to make even more delicious sandwiches!

What was great about this recipe is the ease of it. I've seen very finicky macaron protocols before, where one extra fold and it's over. I was happy to find that the meringue didn't fall even with the 25 folds used for the tant pour tant. Although I've been told by my friend that the recipe isn't as forgiving once you change it up to hazelnut... I was also happy to see perfectly even "feet" along all my cookies, which made them extra pretty once the buttercream was piped in.

I don't have the exact recipe for these coconut macarons right now, but will try to get it off my friend's hands and post it here.

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